Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wilderness Pup Adventures!

My puppy and I had a wilderness adventure this weekend!
Marley did many things he had never tried before...
It didn't take me long to catch a fish! Marley got really excited about the fish
and whined when we threw him back into the water...
Marley kept looking over the edge trying to find his lil fishy friend. I wanted him to lick it:)
I reeled my fish in and J helped me get the hook out.
He had to gently step on him to pull it out.
I was a little nervous to hold the fish close to me...
Check out these action fishing skills! This is my super shooter fishing rod... I
 had a great idea to take Marley out in the canoe.
He didn't seem to like the idea until we fed him marshmellows to get him in the boat.
 He really liked riding along once he got in! He got to see geese and the whole lake.
 I even paddled some of the way!
Marley got really excited every time we would try to fish.
He would come right up to anyone holding a pole and just wait at the edge of the dock.
 He thought the fishing lures were real fish, he he.
Marley had his first swimming adventure at the lake! He was walking on the lower dock
that was covered in water. The water is very high right now so when you walk
 on one side the other side sinks. Its almost like your in the water already!
So Marley went right up to the edge and PLOP! Into the water he went!
He didn't know what had happened! My mommy had to run over and grab him out.
He was swimming but was a little scared.
We had a great adventure this weekend and a super fun spring break!


  1. What a super fishing adventure!
    Buster would love to go swimming!

  2. It looks like you had a great time at the little house! I am so glad that Marley was so brave to go into the canoe, even if he needed a few marshmallows! You have taken some great photos and I am very proud of you! Great Blog!
